Our team worked with two local Bay Area community-choice aggregators to improve the resilience of municipal critical facilities operating in their service territory. We undertook a GIS analysis of the region and specific location of more than 400 critical facilities. Our work assessed natural hazard exposure, populations served, and proximity to priority areas to score and filter those sites providing the highest service during a disaster event.

We then automated the run of more than 300 sites through our calculation engine, determining the size of solar PV and battery energy storage needed to meet the resilience goals of the facilities. Our analysis accounted not only for providing emergency load during an outage event, but also for demand charge mitigation at each facility during ordinary operations. This resulted in system size recommendations to improve both the resilience and sustainability of the portfolio.

(photo credit: ecoligo GmbH)

Critical Facilities Solar + Storage Resilience


Curbside Charging for Electric Vehicles


Technical Assistance for City of New York